Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I'm having so much trouble sleeping. Joe yelled at me to get to bed last night around 1 or 1:30, I think, and I went to bed but didn't fall asleep until about 2:30. Then I woke up at 5. And I kinda dozed on and off after that but no real sleeping took place. I'm so tired I divided 84 by 2 and got 41 in my physics lab today. Definitely not a good sign. And the thing is, I know that I'm going to be totally fine and I'm a lot more worried about other people than about myself, by far, but I can't sleep. Apparently it's a common thing; Mal and Mel and Ciara haven't really been able to either.
Everyone is being amazing though. I am so incredibly blessed with just the very best friends a girl could ever ask for. And they've all been so wonderfully supportive and helpful and I just love you all so much, if you're reading this. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Now I do have to go to work today because I didn't yesterday and I know there's stuff waiting for me, but I hope everyone has a good day.
I'm at work now, tranferring this post from myspace to this blog, and my eye-hand coordination is definitely suffering as well. Typing is much harder than it has any right to be. I'm trying to type up some stuff for my boss and on a normal day I would be finished with it already. Bah. I hope I can sleep tonight.

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