Thursday, November 17, 2005

it must be said.

This is getting ridiculous.
If I don't get some sleep soon, I will officially transform from a human being into a zombie. This week has been particularly rotten as I've averaged around 3 hours a night. Just crazy.
And you'd think that with all this spare time, well, I'd at least be unusually prodcutive, right? You'd be wrong, my friend. I did manage to complete a full outline for my philosophy essay, but I have yet to fully grasp the concept material. It's the most detailed outline I've done for quite some time, though, so that's promising.
Ugh. Tonight I have the mean reds. Well, sort of. Because I actually do know what I'm afraid of. But I don't like it. It's silly and it's pointless to worry about but there it is anyway.
Oh well. Tomorrow will be better.

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