Monday, November 21, 2005


Oh, sometimes I think I would weep at my own idiocy if I wasn't too busy laughing so hard at myself.
I am so good at mistaken impressions! And so good at being both too conceited and having no faith in myself, AT THE SAME TIME. That takes some doing!
I actually did my philosophy homework ahead of time last night, just for something new and exciting.
And I learned to be very grateful for what I have waiting for me when I go back home. An acquaintance/friend of mine stopped by my room last night to chat. He's been studying in England for 2 years now and he sounds incredibly miserable. People here are, as I've said, difficult to get to know but I figured it was just because I haven't been here that long and I don't really care that much about making super-close friends because I'm going home in a month. But to have been here two years and still be treated with the same general polite faux-friendliness - I don't know what I would be doing if I didn't have the people to go back to that I do. Yeah, that's a bad sentence. Oh well. I'm too lazy to go back and fix it.
I have therefore resolved to be cheerful and industrious and really make the most of the last month of my time here. There is still much to see and do, and I am so reminded of all that I have to be grateful for that I am really, really trying to make more of an effort at happiness.
Even if I am going to be single for the rest of my life. Hehe. That's my joke of the day with myself. And yes, there's a story there, but I'm not telling.

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