Wednesday, September 29, 2004

is it really almost october!?

Goodness, how this month has flown by! Holy cats. I can't believe it's the last day of the month already. School is in grand swing, and things are going pretty well. I got hired the other day as the brand new Associate Editor for the Oracle, which is pretty cool because the campus paper is actually quite a good one for the most part. I'm also still busy with being HIRC secretary and still doing some NCC business, plus I'm getting sort of re-involved with Inter-Varsity and working at the Wesley Center again, so combine those things with my homework and I don't exactly have tons of free time floating around. My classes are really interesting though, for the most part, and I'm glad I'm taking them. I especially enjoy my British Lit. class and Ethics, but Lit. Theory and my "Disease and Society in International Perspectives" are going okay, too. I think. I hope.

Anywho, though, I have class later tonight (6:30) and I have to do my British Lit. as well as eat dinner before class and meet with my debate team at 5:30 before class, so I'm off for the evening.

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