Saturday, January 07, 2006


I am slowly starting to get used to being home again. Sort of, anyway.

J-term is in swing - my first paper is due this Monday and I have, as of now, no idea what I'm going to write about. I have to do a 3-page analysis of one of the articles we've read for class and I'm really not sure what to say. I never know what to say. This is one of my great problems in life. I can never think of what I truly want to say until it's too late. Also, although my Feminist Philosophy class is very interesting and I really am enjoying it so far, it is an oral-intensive class and I can't think of anything worthwhile or even remotely intelligent to say in class. I occasionally think of things later, but by then it is obviously too late. I hate that.

There are things about England I really miss. I miss the accents, I miss my morning coffee with the coolest barista ever, I miss the cobblestone streets and the row houses and the tea and the university library. I do not miss the stupid ducks and geese, or the rather plain dull buildings on campus. I kind of miss the schizophrenic weather, and I miss a few of the people, and I miss the radio stations and I miss walking by ponies on my way to class every day. And it isn't even so much these things I miss as the altogether feeling of being there - I miss more than the sum of these parts.

It is, however, good to be home though. Last night I was out with Mel at the Triple Rock, which was good times and good music and then we saw Malin for a bit, which was really needed, and she leaves for Sweden soon which makes me sad even though I know she'll have a wonderful time. I shall miss her much.

And Thursday night, Mal and Tommy and I went thrfiting and I came back with books. 3 from Goodwill, 3 from Half Price Books. When I am going to find time to read these, along with the 3 books I ordered from the public library and in addition to my J-term reading, is totally beyond me, but I'll find a way. I always do. There is nothing I love so much as being able to talk, really talk, about books and feel that another person understands just what I mean, which makes Tommy awesome. And if you are reading, Tommy, yes, I mean you. And then we went for ice cream at Grand Ole Creamery and I ordered the most disgustingly, deliciously sweet sticky sundae and relished every bite. Yum.

Also I had lunch with Ken on Thursday, which was fun except for the part where I was an idiot and forgot my wallet so that he wound up paying. Oh well. I'll fix that next time by paying myself.

People just keep paying for me. I had lunch with Ashley today, too, which was wonderful and so much fun and she insisted on paying, the ridiculous girl. It's amazing how sometimes I don't realize how incredibly much I miss people until I see them. It was the same last weekend when I saw Mary and Jake and Petey.

I still have so many people I want to see! There is never enough time. And I hate having class in the afternoon because it means I never accomplish ANYTHING in the mornings. I know I should get up and do stuff, but I just never actually do.

I'm settling into my new place (Mal's old room) pretty nicely. It's really a nice house, and the room is tiny but it's cozy and soon I'll be too busy to do anything in that room other than sleep (and even that's questionable at times) so it's just fine. The people I'm living with seem really really nice, although one of them is a bit reclusive perhaps, and rent and location are great.

I'm looking forward to spring semester. I take a kind of sick pleasure in being so busy that some days I really DON'T have time to eat or sleep much. Why is that? I am insane.

On that note, time for bed. I think I got to sleep sometime around 4 am yesterday, and now I am tired.

This has been said before by many and may seem insignificant, but it is so true. I love you all.

Good night.

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