Saturday, October 08, 2005

the insomniac strikes again.

So I can't sleep in England, as it turns out. It's the weirdest thing ever. I've always prided myself on my ability to not suffer from jet lag, and I'm not certain if this is what this is, but I honestly have hardly slept hte last few nights. My first night I crashed hard and since then, nothing. Last night I was laying in my very comfy hotel room, on a very comfy bed, and I just lay there, trying not to think of how badly I wanted to go to sleep. But then came 3 a.m. and I was still awake. And during hte day, I keep myself busy, I wear myself out with miles and miles of walking and sightseeing and I feel exhausted when I get back to my hotel and then I don't fall asleep. It is oddly frustrating. The other weird thing is that I don't feel nearly as tired as I used to after not sleeping. I'm totally fine.
The weather today is very stereotypically English. It's chilly and cloudy and rainy and ugh. So I'm going to see a movie. I haven't decided yet whether I want to see "Oliver Twist" or "Pride and Prejudice" or "Howl's Moving Castle." But I have an hour and a half to decide. Actually I like how I'll debate with myself and I'll sit here and think and think about what I'd like to see but I already pretty much know that I'll see Pride and Prejudice. It's only one of my favorite books ever, so I'm sure I'll see it. Oh well.
I move into my dorm tomorrow. I'm very excited about it, but also nervous. I think no matter where I go and what I do throughout my life, I will always carry the insecurity that somehow no one will like me even when I know that it's a ridiculous worry to have. I will always be concerned that I'll somehow be all wrong and everyone but me will know it, even when the logical part of my brain tells me I'm simply being absurd. Life is funny that way.
Anyway, I had best get going. I think there are other people waiting for computers and I've been selfishly hogging this one for quite some time now.
There will be longer, more frequent updates when I move on campus. Possibly. Because there will be more frequent computer access. Then again, I'm also hoping there will be some actual friends at that point, so perhaps not.

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