So. Today has been interesting. For whatever strange reason, I was seized by the uncontrollable urge to dance around my dorm room tonight while my roommate was studying in the library. I hope no one saw through the window; we are, after all, on the first floor. Perish the thought!
It's been a weird day. I am still a little fed up and upset about things at the newspaper office but I am really trying my best not to be angry with anyone and to see the entire situation as an opportunity for the paper (and for myself) to expand and learn and grow. Which sounds incredibly corny and insincere, but that's truly how I am attempting to approach the situation. At this point, I don't see how else I could approach it that would do anyone any good whatsoever.
I'm lonely today. I hate to admit it, but I really do miss having a boyfriend. Not so much that I'm lonely for the particular boyfriend I had - those of you who know me well know about that - but I desperately miss having someone to call for no reason at all, no one to always hang out with and do nothing, to watch random movies with and to stay up until some unholy hour talking to about incredibly strange and bizarre things. I really, really miss that. And though this is not the most important part, to be honest, I totally miss kissing people. It's been months. MONTHS. A long, dry year so far, my friends. Haha. Wow, that sounds dumb even now to me. But I refuse to bait myself into deleting that, because it is what I was thinking. It's going to be a long, lonely summer, too. I'm 99% sure that I will be back at home this summer working two jobs (read: about 60 hours a week) to earn enough to study abroad and such. Fun times. I don't think anyone's going to be home to hang out with. Adam, will you be home this summer? Puh-leeeeease??? You are almost my only hope for intelligent company. Otherwise (and even if you are) I may need to beg mercy of Caitlin and Jake Scott in order to at least have some claim to friends this summer. Maybe something good will come of it that I am currently clouded in my judgement to see. I hope so.
On the slightly more cheerful side of life, I think I have found a place to live next spring. My friend Malin is planning to study abroad in the spring, so if that comes through, I can sublet her studio apartment and have it alllll to my onesie self for the entire spring semester. That would be wonderful. And it's a teeny bit expensive for me, but she really seems to want me to have it, so she is willing to pay a small portion of the rent each month to put it within my range. How sweet is that? I'm very excited at the prospect. I just want to see it but I'm pretty sure I'm going to want it. Score.
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